Artikel arkivet's artikelkategori: Tips
Skriven av ahoff 2006-01-21 13:02 url: 

Numlock II

Hittade den här lösningen på alt.os.linux.slackware:

The ultimate solution is to fix the keyboard driver in the Linux kernel.

vi /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/keyboard.c

Find the lines:
* Some laptops take the 789uiojklm,. keys as number pad when NumLock is on.
* This seems a good reason to start with NumLock off. On HIL keyboards
* of PARISC machines however there is no NumLock key and everyone expects the keypad
* to be used for numbers.

Change this:
#define KBD_DEFLEDS 0

to this:
# define KBD_DEFLEDS ( 1 << VC_NUMLOCK )

Of course, you need to rebuild the kernel, install it (don't forget to
run lilo - I usually do ) and reboot.

Det verkar fungera för mig i alla fall Smile